Joseph Moore

Warehouse Supervisor

Location: Ochlocknee, GA
Nominator: Tom Cofsky and Laura Scheland

Lesson Learned #22: Those who say it can’t be done should get out of the way of those who are doing it and Lesson Learned #9: Great customer service leads to customer loyalty.

On 10/6 Joseph Moore (and Jerry Studdard) notified me that there was an issue with receiving ST transfer orders post CODE CURRENT. Specifically, when the user entered in a quantity to be received into a specific location, RFS and JDE actually received that quantity into the location entered, and it ALSO received the same quantity into the primary location. Total PO quantity remained intact, but in some cases it created a negative quantity in transit, and inventory was recorded at locations different than what the user transacted. This issue had been occurring at other locations since go live, but Joseph's attention to detail caught this discrepancy, and he raise the issue to enter a ticket. IT was able to go back to RFS and remedy this issue, thereby preventing continuation of inaccurate inventory. Thank you for your attention to detail, Joseph. This process was tested as part of GO LIVE testing, but the uniqueness of quantity and location were not tested.”

“On August 14th, Clorox experienced a cyber event that greatly affected its operations. As a result, Clorox was not able to process orders and shipments for much of August and September.  Joseph and the GA team worked with Clorox to determine a way to manually ship product to the extent Clorox and its customers could receive product. The manual shipments helped mitigate some of the negative effect of the cyber event on our financial results.  Even after Clorox became more operational, Joseph navigated issues with Clorox’s scheduler system and other challenges with hard work, patience and determination.  The Clorox team was very impressed and appreciative of the efforts of Joseph and the team.  Below is a recognition from one of our key Clorox contacts:

“I want to join in recognizing Joseph and his Shipping Team for their tremendous support during our Clorox outage. During the outage, Clorox had to rely on manual processes to produce and ship product, which in turn, required Joseph and other team members at Oil Dri to do the same.  Joseph and his team stayed extremely flexible and patient as we had to learn and adapt daily to evolving processes. The team experienced and masterfully navigated through significant operational shifts, shifting from being fully operational to coming to a screeching halt and back. They also dealt first-hand with frustrated carriers and aiding in the development of creative solutions to relieve warehousing problems. Oil Dri and its employees showed great partnership and support, and helped Clorox keep as much finished good product flowing to the market as possible. I am truly thankful for all the team did during this time.